Credit card debt is not a joke or an advantage in our daily lives. It might sound positive but it is the beginning of the amount of debts pilling up known as credit card debts. Credit card debts are seriously not a very fun situation to be at in the first place. So, always keep in mind that there is not a single positive side when you start swiping your credit card. Yes, they are useful because you don’t need to carry any cash or go to the nearest ATM machine to dispense some cash out to avoid running short. However when it all adds together, your credit card debt is going to be a huge load on your back in the near future.
Having a credit card for 99% of the world would in conclusion spend much more than they would when they are carrying cash. You might pay your credit card debts on time but you must be aware it is not an easy sum to fulfill well and sometimes, you might even postpone to a later date. Another thing is rebates are useless and just leads to more and higher credit card debts. A good example is if you spend in between the range of $60,000 to get a sum up range $ 3,000 rebates on new land that lost more value than expected, seriously you should not even think of the 5% rebate in the first place. You lose more than you gain.
However if you come up to a debate between cash and credit card, I am sure that credit card would just increase the debts more than cash since credit cards are meant for swiping and really, you could not feel anything draining out of you. However if you use cash, you can feel the value better. Another plus point is cash does not have any connection with debts such as credit cards. A high usage of swiping the credit card too often would lead to unwanted credit card debts that is just swinging right in front of your table and starring right at your face at this very moment. There are just many reasons why the world uses credit card and just need it at hand. It could be for a new car, house, laptop, paying off loans and also to get more furniture and necessities that are way too costly to afford. Yet the truth hurts and there is a higher possibility in get yourself involves with a number of credit card debts using a credit card known as plastic.
There is another thing you credit card users should know that is your credit score. So what does a credit score does exactly? This score actually is a three digit number that can determine whether you can purchase these costly items or know the prices of these items. These three numbers is a credit score that is calculated based by credit history to make the lender’s life a little much less complicated by giving a straight forward whether the loan is approved or not. This type of credit score is a quicker way and gives efficient information to understand on the lenders attitude on punctuality and responsibility. Fair Isaac and Company known as FICO is the company which came up with the idea of creating the credit score method and software for banks and lenders in the early 1980.
So, a credit score can determine so much more than expected with just three digits on your credit card. Credit scores can help you to make the right decision in purchasing the items or not since this system allows you to know the price of the items.
However in conclusion, you must be aware that credit cards give more harm than good intentions. It creates a huge load of debts and believes me; your life would be in a downfall sooner or later if you don’t do something about it.