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Scott: Well, it’s that time of the year again. The holidays are upon us which is a lot of fun for most people. You get to visit with old friends and family, joys from the traditional festivities. But along with all the joy and excitement is the stress of having to…
Alex: Of getting fat.
Scott: Along with the holidays comes the stress of holiday shopping and holiday parties and planning some additional expenses. For a lot of people, they don’t budget for that during the course of the year. While all these festivities are here upon us, there is additional financial pressures for a lot of people. Ideally…
Alex: You know what I’m getting for Christmas?
Scott: What’s that? (beep) So I was saying, There are additional expenses that we don’t have other times of the year that come around the holidays.
Alex: Hey look, this is my impression of you.
Scott: What’s that?
Alex: Merry Christmas, baby!
Scott: A few tips for this year would be to at least make a list of who you’re actually going to buy. Set a budget of what you’re going to spend. Also remember to include stuff for parties and food and things you’re going to do, decorations. Those things are still going to cost money that you typically don’t spend money on every single month. Definitely take a quick look at that. But in reality, what you should be really looking at is what the holiday is all about which is tradition, family and friends. It’s not necessarily about having to buy them gifts and do things from everybody else. If things are a little tough for you at this time of the year, or even tougher this particular year…
Alex: Does it smell?
Scott: What?
Alex: Do my feet smell?
Scott: You are sick.
Alex: Is that a yes?
Scott: Just a slight infection.
Alex: Okay, thanks. Let’s get this (beep) going. So then what happens?
Scott: What happens with what?
Alex: No, I wasn’t listening.
Scott: You weren’t listening.
Alex: No, I’m sorry. Damn it Scott.
Scott: It’s okay. You got your holiday budget under control?
Alex: Probably not.
Scott: Probably not. Maybe it would be a good idea to maybe pay attention to those videos.
Alex: I’ll put my listening ears on.
Scott: Okay, alright. So, as I was saying, while people feel like they have to do things and buy things for people, the best gift you can give people is to actually spend time with them and share time with them.
Alex: Do you have a significant other?
Scott: I do.
Alex: Oh, didn’t seem like it.
Scott: Really? Why would you said that?
Alex: Seem like somebody cheated on you and left you like 4 years ago and you’re just not over it.
Scott: Nope. Really, these things are … Forget it. Moving forward for the following years, what you should really do is you should budget for next year today, okay? In that way you can save throughout the years and figure how much you’re actually going to spend. Keep that in mind. For DCC and financial freedom community, I’m Scott Tennell.
Alex: I’m (beep).
Scott: Happy Holidays.