When debt becomes an insurmountable obstacle in one’s life, it is time to consider debt consolidation services to gain relief from the financial and emotional strain.
Debt Consolidation is a Serious Step
Debt consolidation should occur when an individual is in such debt that his/her normal income is not sufficient to pay that debt. This condition is not unusual, especially for those who have not learned personal finance basics and who have found credit too easily available. Generally, the accumulation is in the form of credit cards, revolving loans, and, at times, payday loans taken because there is not enough to make it from paycheck to paycheck.
Unforeseen circumstances can result in insurmountable debt. These circumstances may include loss of job, health/medical emergencies, etc. for which there have been no prior savings. Rather than suffer the horrible negative credit consequences or continued missed payments or, worse, bankruptcy, a debt consolidation loan is probably the answer. The purpose of a consolidation loan is to roll all or most debt into one loan with a payment lower than the combined payments of the original debts.
Obtaining Debt Consolidation
Some individuals are capable of securing their own debt consolidation loan. Usually, these are debtors whose credit has not yet been negatively affected and who can obtain a personal loan for the consolidation. In other instances, equity in a home may be used either in the form of an equity line of credit or a re-finance of the home mortgage, taking out enough cash to pay off the debt.
If the above options are not available, an individual may still attempt to secure a consolidation loan, along with negotiations with current creditors for a reduction in the overall payoff amount. Without experience in this endeavor, however, a debtor may find the process pretty frustrating. It may be more effective to use the services of a debt consolidation firm to secure reduction in overall debt and a consolidation loan.
The Cost of Debt Consolidation Services
Costs vary dependent upon the company used, the amount of debt, the number of creditors with whom negotiations must occur and the amount of the loan needed to pay off the debt. It is unlikely that, even with non-profit firms, the consumer will secure these services for free. Anyone who provides the services of debt consolidation for a living must be paid for his work. Usually, the fees will be rolled into the single payment made each month. The benefit of debt consolidation is that the debtor gets a payment that lowers his overall monthly debt obligation and, once the loan is paid off, can have a fresh start. While the credit report may be initially negatively affected, once the consolidation loan is paid and the consumer responsibly re-establishes credit in a sequential manner, the credit score will rise accordingly.