Some may find this interesting, especially those who just stepped in the workforce working hard to earn their first paycheck. With the cash in your hands you are able to go after something, maybe the camera that you have longed since you were in high school, or the down payment for that cute and trendy hot-hatch to travel around.
Yes that will be ‘Cool’ to own them, but what if you run out of money to continue splurging on items like that? What if you spent too much on clothing and forgot to allocate your monthly installment for your car? Even if you managed to scrape off from your lunch and dinner to pay for your car’s installment, you will still be in debt with our credit card company for overdue payments.
This can happen to anyone, and the best way to keep yourself from getting a legal notice telling you to appear in a court to be declared as a bankrupt, is to work out ways to reduce debts. As long as you worked out your ways to reduce debts, you will end up paying back faster to clear your debts.
To reduce debts that you have accumulated does not require professional services ala personal finance officer like those who helps to manage a millionaire’s wealth. All you need to reduce debt is a mindset in you that can help you to regulate your total spending against your total earnings.
Start off by listing down who you owe. If we have the tendency to even forget our own wedding anniversary, there are chances that we will forget about the numbers of credit cards we have in our wallet too. Having a list of every credit card or loan that you have on hand with an expected amount of money to allocate each month will come in handy sorting out how much at least is a ‘Must Go’ amount from your pay. That amount should be your base line for gauging your monthly spending and must not even spend a single dime from that allocated cash.
If you have done the above step, you are one step closer to successfully reduce debt. Those are just steps to make sure that you repay your current debts so that you would not add more debt to your own. A vital step to reduce debt is also by avoiding penalties or further addition of debts. This can be done by repaying your credit card bills earlier, or even choosing a loan package with a shorter time frame. This will save you from years of repayment and penalty charges. Well, a shorter time framed loan will end sooner, saving you all the hassle of strapping yourself up with debts and ending up paying more to the bank than expected.
At the end of the day it is all up to your mindset to reduce debts and that is all you need to think carefully before signing up for more credit cards or applying for a loan scheme with a longer repay period. An individual who plans well most likely will not get himself in trouble with debts and even if he does, he will know how to self control and come out with a good plan to reduce debts.